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Villas and homes for sale in La Finca

5 properties availables
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1-15 of 5 homes for sale

La Finca, the residential estate preferred by celebrities

Would you like to buy a house in the La Finca residential estate? Promora is one of the few real estate agencies in Madrid with villas and homes for sale on this famous residential estate. La Finca is perhaps the most exclusive residential estate in Madrid and, in recent years, it has been chosen by famous celebrities, such as football players, artists and businesspeople, as the place to build their homes. It is in the municipality of Pozuelo de Alarcón, a few kilometres from the city centre, and it is noted for its strict security measures, excellent landscaping, and its perfectly studied and uniform architecture. A unique environment where your privacy is guaranteed. If you would like to buy a property in La Finca, Promora has an extensive catalogue of homes in this residential estate in Madrid. From flats and terraced houses to villas on large plots that cost up to 20 million euros. The price of a villa on this residential estate starts at seven million euros.

La Finca is the ideal place for families that want to live in a peaceful and distinguished area that is not too far from the city centre. If you would like more information about luxury homes for sale in La Finca, please do not hesitate to contact us or view our catalogue on this website.