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Promora Madrid

Velázquez, 30 floor 1st left
How to get there?
(+34) 91 431 0 431
Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 19:30
Saturdays: from 11:00 - 14:00

From our real estate agency located in the District of Salamanca, we handle all the properties we have for rent or sale in the most exclusive and sought-after neighbourhoods in the centre of Madrid.

Carlos Hormigos Zapata
“A professional team that loves their work”

Carlos Hormigos Zapata
Promora Madrid Director

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Our areas

  • Recoletos

    Without a doubt, the select district par excellence in Madrid. The finest and most coveted buildings in the city: buildings with impressive façades, elegant foyers, and interiors with very high ceilings.

  • Retiro

    This area is noted for being close to the famous urban park of the same name. It is an area of large flats in stately buildings, or smaller apartments and flats in the Ibiza Street area.

  • Chamberí

    This is the smallest of the districts in Madrid that belong to the so-called "almendra central" (central quarters) of the capital. This area consists of stately buildings in the main streets and smaller flats in the secondary streets.

  • Las Cortes

    The neighbourhood known as Las Cortes is located in the Central district. It borders to the north with the Gran Vía, to the south with Atocha Street, to the east with Paseo del Prado, and to the west with Virgen de los Peligros Street. It is one of the most important leisure areas in the city; a lively area during the day and at night.

  • Jerónimos

    A luxury residential neighbourhood in the centre of Madrid with majestic buildings, located next to the Puerta de Alcalá and Retiro Park. It is close to the museum area and in one of the most historic parts of the capital.

  • Palacio

    This is the area around the Royal Palace of Madrid. It is noted for being an increasingly pedestrian area surrounded by historic buildings, with small streets that take us back to the Madrid of the Austrias Monarchy. You can find large flats and mansions in this area.

  • Castellana

    This is the most important avenue in Madrid and crosses the city from north to south. In the 1970s, the mansions that existed in the street were replaced by office and residential buildings.

  • Chueca-Justicia

    This neighbourhood owes its name to the fact that the Ministry of Justice is located here. It is an area that has changed dramatically in recent years and has become fashionable among young people. It includes Malasaña and Chueca.

  • Pintor Rosales

    This is a natural viewpoint that skirts the former Principe Pio Mountain. It should be stressed that all the flats provide stunning views of Parque del Oeste.

  • El Viso

    This is a luxury residential area with private gardens and lush vegetation in a completely urban area in the city centre. A visit will uncover magnificent buildings used for residential purposes and as embassies.