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Promora, the luxury real estate agency in Madrid

We are the most highly rated real estate agency by our customers thanks to a dynamic team and our in-depth knowledge of the luxury real estate market.


What our customers are saying

We like to listen to and learn from our customers. We try to establish a close and friendly relationship with the people involved in our transactions. This is the reason we are the luxury real estate agency most highly valued by its customers.


Why Promora?

  • Because we are a family business that has been working in real estate brokerage since 1975, when we created the first real estate agency in La Moraleja.
  • Because after so many years we have understood that professionalism is not incompatible with friendly service. We pride ourselves on being polite, listening to our customers and working hard until we get what they need.
  • Because each of the people who make up our sales and management team live in the same area in which they work. This means we have in-depth knowledge of the area: we can provide our customers with valuable additional information.
  • Because at Promora we speak several languages, which allows us to have multinational companies and expatriates from many countries as clients.
  • Because after closing a sale or rental transaction, we become your neighbours: a great responsibility that implies a high degree of commitment.
  • Because we understand what is involved in the moving process and we try to minimise the impact by offering an excellent service.
  • Because we create original and elegant communication campaigns, as well as providing relevant information to our clients.

Four luxury teams

The most important thing about a real estate company is the people who make up its team. At Promora we always look for the best. Both our management and sales teams are made up of people with extensive knowledge of the real estate market and the area where they work. We are a solid team united by the same objectives... and it shows.

Promora owners

Emilio and Gonzalo López-van Dam

CEO and owner of Promora
Promora Madrid Director

Carlos Morón Fernández

Promora Madrid Director
Promora Aravaca Director

Álvaro Romero

Promora Aravaca Director
Promora Las Tablas Director

Lucía Martínez

Promora Las Tablas Director